Golf Cart Driving Etiquette
If you are ready to get your golf cart onto the course, there are a few things you should know about golf cart driving etiquette. While each course has its own rules, there are also standards in etiquette for driving golf carts. If you don't own a golf cart, stop by TSI Trailers in Van Alstyne, Texas, serving Dallas and Fort Worth, to check our inventory.
Be Courteous to Other Players
When you see other golfers on the green, courteousness counts, and so does keeping your distance. If your golf cart beeps as you reverse, make sure it isn't going to disturb anyone that's playing before you back up. Staying back from other players is also essential as they will want to focus.
Stay Off of Wet Turf
Avoiding puddles and wet turf is critical because it damages the golf courses when golf carts drive on them while wet. Also, driving through the mud makes the course look dirty, and you can also get the golf cart stuck.
Pay Attention to the Rules
It is good etiquette to follow the rules of the golf course. You should see rules posted on the course as well as at the clubhouse. If you do not see any rules, be sure to ask so you know you are following the specific rules for the course you are on at the time.
Don't Joyride
Driving fast around the course or being rebellious is not good etiquette. It is not safe to joyride with golf carts because they can tip easily, and your passengers can get hurt if you aren't driving properly.
Limit Noise
If you make a lot of noise, it is distracting for other golfers and even other people driving carts. It is also essential to limit noise if you wait behind other players so they can stay focused on the game. It is a good idea to keep the loud music at home. While it is important to have fun, being disruptive with the way you and your friends have fun is bad manners.
Be Courteous to People Waiting
If people are waiting behind you, walk to your cart and drive to the next spot before marking your scorecard. This courtesy allows the people behind you to move forward, and they won't have to wait longer.
Golf courses don't always post all rules, and most of the time, you won't see postings about good etiquette or manners. However, being courteous and using common sense goes a long way when driving a golf cart. Contact TSI Trailers located at Alstyne, Texas, and serving the Dallas and Fort Worth areas for more information about owning a golf cart.